Surviving Ramadan in School
Adebayo Nurudeen
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous -"(Quran 2: Verse 183).
Ramadan is an opportunity to change for good and attain Allah’s (S.W.T) mercy for eternity. We can make the best Ramadan of our lives, and gain good habits that will continue to benefit us for whatever time we have left in this world.
For the Muslim community, Ramadan is the holiest month of the year, since it is when the Holy Book (Qur’an) was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
Ramadan is a time for reflection, during which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours, and rather focus on prayer, purification, and charitable acts.
The following are Ramadan survival guides for students.
Plan and Set Manageable goals
Planning is essential both personally and professionally. It helps us achieve our goals and allows for more efficient use of time and other resources.
For the month of Ramadan, make your timetable as far in advance as possible, so you can schedule organizing your relevant coursework, revision, rest, daily exercise, prayer, and meals in the most efficient way possible. By following a timetable, you will achieve your goals more efficiently.
For every goal, have a smaller backup goal. That way, on the days you are tired or busy you can fall back on your smaller goal, rather than doing nothing at all.
This will allow you to be consistent and not hit the “I can’t meet any of my goals so why do any” slump.
Focus on Self-care and Rest
Ramadan is about sacrifice, but that doesn’t mean that self-care should be eliminated. Self-care, like saying no to extra commitments, taking breaks, and eating right, can bring you closer to Allah when used correctly.
No matter the pressure you feel to catch up or study all day and all night, do not try to “cheat nature.” If you are in school during Ramadan, your sleep schedule will be greatly affected.
To sustain energy, proper sleep is imperative. Go to bed early at night and get up at Suhoor (pre-dawn) to ensure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep.
After Suhoor, say your morning prayers and take a quick nap. If you cannot sleep, make sure you are resting before school starts. This will help you to feel less lethargic and more energized throughout the day.
Do not overeat and eat well
Allah (S.W.T) says “eat and drink but do not be excessive for God does not love those who are excessive” (Quran 7:31). Try cooking less or eliminating one fried and/or sugary food individually or with family. This allows you to be mindful of what you eat, and not to feel lethargic as you engage in worship.
A well-balanced diet is necessary, as it provides all of the energy you need to keep active throughout the day. Nutrients you need for growth and repair help you to stay strong and healthy and help to prevent diet-related illness, lethargy, and lack of focus. Avoid overeating at the time of Iftar (meal taken at sundown to break the fast).
It is important to hydrate yourself by eating water-enriched fruits and vegetables, electrolytes, and water, all while avoiding junk food.
Practice Mindfulness and ensure Balance
Practicing mindfulness can be a useful tool to maximize good deeds, increase focus and feel the spirit of Ramadan. Allot a few minutes of your day to thoughtfully recite dhikr or reflect on the blessings in your life. Balance on the other hand is fundamental to everything we do in life.
It is about finding sustainable ways to manage everything you need to do in life that supports you. During the month of Ramadan, it is important to keep a balance between your studies, school, praying, and other extra activities. That is why it is crucial to plan your day because when you are unsure about your daily goals, it is easy to waste your time dithering around. You lose focus and miss the opportunities that life gives you. Instead, you’re too busy doing the wrong things or have tunnel vision as you lurch from one day to the next.
Practice with a purpose and Challenge yourself to change
Fasting is our priority this month- the purpose is to be mindful of Allah as described in the Quran. Leave off anything that distracts you from that purpose. Assign a space in your home to serve as your “worship” zone and spend time there to mentally and spiritually detox to help remind you of your ultimate priority.
Every day after iftar, do something uncomfortable, work out, memorize a portion of the Quran, or call a long-time friend or enemy and say a good word to them. Take advantage of the discomfort that comes with change, and use this time to push yourself to discover who you are, and who you can be.
May Allah (S.W.T), accept our fasting and prayers as an act of ibadah. ( AMEEN ). Happy Ramadan
Alhamdulillah 🙏
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