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Showing posts with the label Ayoola Olaitan

World Blood Donor Day; Share Life, Give Blood

By: Ayoola Olaitan and Amori Christianah Many people in the world are ignorant of the fact that donation of blood means giving someone a life. Everyone deserves a right to live, there is therefore an urgent need to inform people about the importance of donating blood and blood products in order to save lives.  World Blood Donor Day is observed yearly by all member states of the World Health Organization to encourage the donation of blood and also thank blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gifts of blood. World Blood Donor Day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with World Health Day, World Tuberculosis Day, World Immunization Week, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World Hepatitis Day, and World AIDS Day. The World Blood Donor Day is an annual event, usually celebrated on the 14th of June every year to thank voluntary Blood donors, acknowledge them and encourage blood donatio...

A Failed Nigeria Educational System

BY AYOOLA OLAITAN What has become a serious source of worry to many Nigerians is the failed educational system. When the topic a failed educational system comes where do one start from or how do one respond to such statement? Is it the deteriorating system, where lecturers can’t justify what they are paid for or how students are taught what is not relevant in a real situation and are always bombarded with assignments that they are yet to be taught in class.   Or the absurd 6-3-3-4 system of education, whereas in other countries they are embracing the new form education where you can round up your higher education in two years or less instead of the unnecessary elongated four years minimum course of study.