Differences between life in secondary School and University

Differences between life in secondary School  and University

Ashuike Esther

Life itself is a school where different experiences and lessons are learnt by  individuals while school (the academic environment) itself is a maquette or blueprint of life. Most people would say life in secondary School  is a dependent one unlike life in the university. However life also in university is dependent but not as strict as that of secondary school. 

Firstly, you stand a chance earn more aside money from parents by taking up vocational skills like hairdressing, make-up, and other petty business. Campus itself is a community with several business opportunities that you can capitalize on.

Liberty is another major difference between the Secondary and University life. For the former, you are sternly under the nostrils and watchful eyes of teachers and parents. "Peter make sure you don't go astray"; “Peter, I never failed my parents, do not fail me!” “Peter your result is terrible this time, you’ve joined bad gangs?” and all sorts of scrutiny and babysitting unlike university where the lecturer only teach and doesn't bother what happens next. Here, you are in a man’s land where you are only guided by your conscience and intuition. If at any point you loose guard, na OYO (On Your Own) you dey be dat.

While at secondary school, most young people suffered from low self-esteem on account of bullying which made them shy away from school activities. Once admitted into the University system, they become exposed to peer pressure and due to no parental guidance and supervision, they become nuisance to themselves and the society at large.

Moreover, life in University is a primary platforms to get and create opportunities ( writing, display of artistic talent like dancing, acting, comedy e.t.c) .

I will finally say life in University should be spent wisely because it determines a greater life spent outside University, like the saying that says "As you lay your bed so you will lay on it". Be good , polite, smart and wise .


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