LASUSTECH: Getting it right from the start
LASUSTECH: Getting it right from the start
The world over, academic
excellence is typically an offshoot of endogenous and enduring culture that has
immunity against compromise, but mutation to classic global best practices.
This has always been the benchmark that many universities are struggling to
catch up with, while many others have considered this rare feat as a sprint and
not a marathon.
The outcome of personal
research has shown that, designing an evolving and adaptable academic culture
requires critical thinking that is capable of espousing need-oriented courses
and robust curricula, 360-degree touchpoint digital automation,
technology-driven teaching and learning, versatile and creative administration,
qualitative manpower, dynamic policy formulation, collaboration and networking,
strict internal and external regulations, adequate and purposive funding,
branding and Public Relations for Marketing (PRM) and ultimately the mindset of
excellence by all stakeholders.
Now that the
transmutation of the Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) to Lagos State
University of Science and Technology (LASUSTECH) has been consummated, the next
phase of the process should be to take the advantage of starting afresh into
laying the foundation of a specialized university that would become the pride
of Lagos and Africa at large. It is possible and in our time too.
Considering the
peculiarity of the university, starting with the existing programmes of the
former polytechnic to keep people’s jobs won’t be a bad idea. Looking at the
bigger picture, this university will need to do a Skill Gap Assessment – what
are the industry’s first line needs? Skillsets versus current and emerging
‘need sets’. The Knowledge Gap Deficiencies (KGD) must give way to a systemic
approach in the Productive Science and Technology (PS&T) model that is not
only unique but 100% result-oriented. There must also be an environmental
scanning of the immediate community to determine the relevant courses and programmes
that are community needed. These two needs assessments would help the
university to define and develop its core competencies from the beginning. The
fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0) as the current and developing
environment for disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of
Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI),
among others, must be considered. For the community and Lagos as a whole, the
university should consider programmes like Ferry Fabrication and Services
Technology (Marine Technology); AgriTech and Post-Harvest Processing
Technology; Digital Transformation Technology; Integrated Waste Management and
Recycling Technology; Alternative/ Renewable Energy Production Technology; Oil
and Gas Supports Technology. This is the era of nanotechnology, we can do it.
Automating the whole
system, including the management of the new university is key. From admission
to graduation, the process must be seamless. One digital solution should
connect payments, registration, result processing, administration, information
dissemination, library services, etc. No loopholes must be allowed. In this new
university, there should not be missing scripts or results. Result,
certificate, and transcripts should be ready in less than 72 hours upon request,
yes, it is possible. 24/7 internet facilities and handshake with big tech firms
would go a long way to position the institution.
Teaching and learning
must have a technology interface. This is not a conventional university of
marker and board, 70 percent of the learning process must be demonstrated if we
must do anything differently. Up to the Ph.D. level (it is the new direction),
attention must be given to hands-on practical demonstrations. Only modern and
digital laboratories, studios, workshops, and classrooms can deliver the
desired results as seen in a well-educated cultured society.
The drivers of LASUSTECH
must be able to think like there is no box anywhere. Creativity and ingenuity
should guide the administration of the new university. There must be an
enduring line of ideation and curation. The principal officers must be fired
for excellent development in all forms. In the same vein, if the government is
really genuine in setting a standard for this university, the members of the
Governing Council must be a mix of blue-chip captains, boardroom technocrats,
industry experts, technophiles, philanthropists, and education enthusiasts.
This very council should not be made a retirement plan for tired hands. And the
university must not be made a dumping ground for the unqualified job-seeking
family, friends, and associates. Relying on school fees to undergo a
substantial development is no more in vogue, therefore, the business arm of the
university must wake up to its responsibility to drive development, while
maintenance culture must be entrenched in the core value of the institution.
Skilling, reskilling,
upskilling, research, and development are very essential in defining
qualitative manpower for the university. Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the
excellent mindset of a goal-getter are equally of great importance. Knowledge
of what to teach and the skill to teach right would be more appreciated if the
lecturers put students at the centre of teaching. Other staff must have a total reorientation
to understand that students are customers and kings in their right. To achieve
excellence, there must be a systemic adoption of excellent culture across the
In making policy, the
drivers of the new university may have to borrow some quality templates from
the best universities. Policies like the Graduate on Time (GOT) system that
guides against lecturer frustrating a student with extra year(s) or unserious
student overstaying the period of graduation would be a welcome development.
Students accessing lecturers performance and completing progress reports per
semester before they (students) can access results is going to improve
standards. Digitally monitored compulsory 75 percent attendance and regular use
of customized mail/digital wallet would encourage seriousness and dedication.
Policies should be made flexible and people-oriented. The Directorate of
Students’ Affairs (DSA) should have a policy document that takes care of the
students’ welfare, sporting activities, complaints, and graduation.
This is the era of
collaboration, co-creation, and networking. LASUSTECH needs to stretch the
hands of fellowship to partner universities (home & abroad) for students
and staff exchange programmes. The university must also be ready to have a
strong tie with the industry, foreign embassies, politicians, government at all
levels to attract research grants, chairs, endowments, bursary, and donations.
Aside the statutory
National University Commission (NUC) accreditation exercise, the internal and
external assessment should be carried out regularly and diligently. The Annual
Performance Evaluation (APER) must be holistic and watertight. As part of the
culture that must be established from now, only journal articles on Scopus
Journal Metrics or indexed journals should be allowed. Inventions, Innovations,
creations, and ideations should also be considered for promotion. The OSAE visit should go beyond inspection;
it should include government accreditation with well-crafted Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs).
There should be the
immediate design of a brand strategy that must take care of the rebranding,
repositioning, and internal /external communication architecture- brand manual.
The ergonomics design of the campus must be fascinating. We are in the woke era, issues should not be allowed
to snowball into a crisis. Response time
to students’ distress must be swift and effective. Internal communication is as
important as external communication, therefore, there must be a structured
conflict resolution mechanism, community and government relations.
Lastly, the government
must be ready to fund every aspect of the university or give it complete
autonomy. It will be easier to partner with firms like Google, Microsoft, among
others, to enhance the smooth operation of the university. Apart from the
overhead cost, recurrent expenditure, and cost of accreditation, Lagos State
Education Trust Fund should aggressively look into infrastructural development,
capacity building, research and development, software acquisitions for all
Lagos state-owned universities, such as Turnitin, Nvivo, IBM SPSS, ATLAS.ti,
RStudio, Orange, Base SAS, OriginPro, TIMI Suite, etc.
As the summary of my
piece, I wish to leave stakeholders of the new university with the Times Higher
Education for university rankings which, calibrated 13 performance indicators
into five areas: Teaching (the learning environment); Research (volume, income,
and reputation); Citations (research influence); International outlook (staff,
students and research); and Industry income (knowledge transfer).
Anu’ Adesemoye is a researcher in the Department Of Media and Communications,
University of Malaysia.
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