Osaye John
The importance of Democracy in the world today can not be
over -emphasized and it's existence has come to stay for the betterment of the
masses as against the despicable, tyrannical and dictatorial nature of other
forms of Government.
The existence of democracy necessated the birth of a
powerful tool termed the "electorate ". Be that as it may, the
electorate in a democratic setting determines the present, future and the long
term development of their country through leaders they consciously or
subconsciously elected into political offices.
The electorate at one point or the other, due to their bias,
ethnicity, tribe and hypocritical tendencies knows who the better candidate is,
but will never vote for such an individual, instead they will bury their
conscience and vote for the wrong person even when the truth about the
despicable, covetous and greedy character of such an individual has been
established and this is as a result of receiving some goodies of rice, beans or
cash as the case may be, from politicians who through their "future
selling scheme" termed "stomach infrastructure "believes the
electorate can be swayed in their favour and enjoined to their boot camp. What
is to be blamed; poverty!!!!
it is worth noting that the impoverished electorate are
praise singers and boot licking fellow who instead of condemning the
ill-mannered politicians who have looted their nations's resources for their
own greedy reasons, end up being celebrated, thereby making mockery of sanity
and mortgaging their future and that of their children, for what? a portion of
the looted resources and cheap favour.
You see them celebrating and merrying
with politicians who have just finished jail terms either home or abroad after
trials and convictions for corruption or money laundering as the usage permits
or possibly for their neferous activities.
Since democracy is a game of number, these vague and
parasitic politicians buys the electorate who supposedly should be
"hunting" for good politicians, that is if there is any for elective
The electorate failure to hunt for better politicians into
political offices becomes the "Hunted"after they have made the wrong
selection of politicians who are ready to recoup every penny they have spent
prior to the election either from the national resources or from the
hardworking taxpayers who the electorate form part off.
These non-confirming politicians later initiate project and
implement policies and plans that stiffle the masses and drained the last pint
of blood in their veins.
*The electorate should be aware that, it is high time they
stood and uphold the tenet of democracy and play their role as a veritable tool
in a democratic political arena as enshrined in the
constitution of the land.
*The electorate should bear in mind that their actions and
inactions during an election determines the success and failure of their nation
especially in the area of development and reaping the benefits and freedom that
comes with democracy.
*The electorate, if in their wisdom, will put aside
tribalism, ethnicity, nepotism and hypocritism aside and stand for the upright,
make the right choices, it is only then, they won't press the button of
"self-destruction" upon themselves but unlocking the keys to long
term development of their nation and reaping bountifully from good choices and
better sacrifice and selection made.
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