My fellow LASPOTECH students, please let's be careful out there. A lot is happening, especially rape cases. Our school does not have hostels and we have no choice but to live off campus outside the protection of the institution.
Rape cases have become rampant now and I urge us to be on high alert of our surroundings. Sad has it may be, the media has almost no power in cases like this especially when there's no evidence.
Do you know?
That a student can be raped, and when the issue is reported to the school authorities it gets to the court.
And at the court, two things happen. It's either the predator is punished or goes scot free(especially when there is no evidence). Issues like this drag for a long time.
In the case where the predator eventually goes scort free, and the school press has already published it with the rapist face(s). He can sue us. That's the part that annoys me the most. Like for real.
Following series of events, most or almost all perpetrators are not students but thugs/hoodlums living around the community.
Please and please, I am writing this from the depth of my heart. Let's be very careful and vigilant. Rape scars are memory inflicted and don't go away.
Or should I add the case of the student who was beaten and stripped naked in her room by about 6 guys(who are not students), her pictures were taken and circulated. How about that? Even if justice eventually prevails, the deed has been done already and the trauma stays for life.
Stay safe my people. And don't hesitate to report these cases. Speak up and say no to rape.
Call these numbers to report cases :
Directorate of Students' Affairs 08023239147, 0802 340 9037
Press President, Dare Oluwadara 08170531357
SUG hotlines : 09123035992, 0817 044 7341
Dare Oluwadara
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